Cognitive Mediation Classes

Studies show that working memory is a stronger indicator of academic and personal potential than IQ. A strong working memory is needed in order to comprehend, apply, solve problems, use logic and reason, and think critically.

In order for an individual to reach his or her full potential, developing the brain’s fundamental processing skills is needed; strong processing skills are necessary to successfully access and utilize higher level thinking skills. The lower level skills include:

  • auditory memory
  • auditory processing
  • visual processing
  • visual processing
  • spatial memory
  • spatial processing
  • hold on to short-term
  • retrieve long-term memory
  • paying attention

Cognitive therapist Dr. Patricia Nason uses Equipping Minds Curriculum to prepare individuals  with a foundation for thinking by strengthening students’ visual, spatial, and auditory memory leading to success in the classroom, academic testing, logic, and reasoning. Dr. Nason works with

  • students who are confronted with the ACT and SAT tests;
  • parents who want to learn how to strengthen their children’s foundation for learning;
  • school teachers and administrators who use equipping minds to increase brain potential;
  • children with impaired cognitive function; and
  • older adults who have memory loss.

Equipping Minds Curriculum is not an academic tutoring program. Rather, it is a skills building curriculum using progressive and challenging games and pen and marker exercises facilitated by a human mediator that assist cognitive development.  For more information, see The Two-Edged Sword website.

This class is presented via a live video link.